Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Misleading Photographs

I was laying in bed on my phone "Pinteresting" fun activities and ways to play with my kiddo. It then occurred to me... He's one. 

Why on earth am I looking on Pinterest for ways to play with my one year old? I'm pretty sure I can simply follow my instincts on this one. 

We tried an art project the other day and 90% of it was him screaming because he couldn't mix all of the paint together and me frustrated because we were supposed to be having fun.

We made Fruit Loop necklaces at Momtourage last week and by "we," I mean he ate the Fruit Loops and I made a necklace out of them. (I may have also eaten a bowl of them, but that's beside the point.)

I tried letting him play with this amazing sensory "cloud dough" and all he wanted to do was throw it off of his high chair tray and watch me play fetch.

Last night we did a glow bath. I'm not sure he even realized the point of what we were doing, but the glow sticks sure did make awesome drum sticks.

I managed to snap some pretty adorable pictures of all of the above. That makes them a success, right? 

The photos themselves would be misleading to someone who didn't know better. They will forever be treasured memories to me. They will remind me of my son's strong willed personality, the time he discovered his new favorite cereal, his strong pitching arm and pretty impressive musical skills. They will remind me of a time where we are still getting to know each other day in and day out. They will remind me that things in life rarely go as planned. They will remind me of a time so precious in our lives that I need not waste it searching for activities to do together. The world is ours to discover together already. 

It's time to Pinterest less and explore more. 

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