Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Desire for Independence

Independence is huge to me. I want my son to have the desire and ability to try things by himself first. I love helping him complete a task, but it's imperative to me that he learns early on that Mama isn't his slave. 

Right now I have to fight my instinct to do everything for him. My job is to love, guide, teach, play, encourage and support. My job is to kiss his boo boos now and it will change throughout the years, but never will it be slave. Never will it help him if I do everything for him and he does nothing for himself. 

He is very receptive to this approach. His personality is a lot like mine, and part of that means he has to figure things out for himself. It's my job to give him that opportunity. 

Lately he has been surprising me left and right with his abilities. The most recent of which is when he grabbed his toy vacuum, turned it on, and "vacuumed" most of the house. 

I'm talking under the furniture, against the walls, not missing a spot vacuuming. I don't know where this out of the blue skill came from. Since he first learned to crawl he has followed me around mesmerized while I'm vacuuming, so all I can think of is that he must have been taking serious mental notes. 

The next day, he was picking up clothing and placing it in the laundry basket. I'm not sure if Jason's shoe was particularly dirty or if Grayson doesn't quite have this skill completely sorted out, but he thought this is where it belonged... 

This morning at our Momtourage group play date, he kept grabbing the broom and sweeping Fruit Loops off of the floor.

This was one of those times he was showing me he was ready for some independence in this area. I instantly made a mental note that I needed to encourage this particular skill and help him grow in his abilities. 

Tonight I went to the store and bought him an entire cleaning set. After he went to bed, I set them up in the laundry room hanging underneath my own. I plan to add a little shelf above them soon for a few more products. He is going to be so excited when he wakes up in the morning and that makes me excited to wake up in the morning! 

My baby boy is growing up so fast. This age is so much fun. He is saying and doing something new each and every day. I am so amazed by what a brilliant child I have. I'm also a little afraid, but don't tell him that! I may also be slightly partial, but I don't know... 

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