Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Becoming Minimalist

Recently I have been sorting through Grayson's baby clothes and toys because my spare closet is exploding with them. Originally I expected to hold onto everything in case we ever have another son. I realized this isn't possible, so I've decided to limit myself to one bin of special clothing, pricier items and my personal favorites sized NB-12 months. 

I've realized how grateful we should be and are. My son has had so many clothes throughout every stage that there are several he has never even gotten the chance to wear. From hand-me-downs, to gifts, to my own shopping expenditures, I am drowning in clothing when I walk in that closet. 

We have to simplify. Slowly but surely, we are cutting down on some of the extras we don't actually need. I've used the excuse that I may never be blessed with another baby in order to justify buying Grayson any and everything that my heart desires for him. I've also used the excuse that I waited so long for him that I should be able to get him whatever I want. I even enjoy the excuse that he is so little that he doesn't yet realize therefore can't be spoiled. 

It's wrong, but it's something I will continue to struggle with. Simply put, I want him to have the best of the best. There's nothing wrong with me wanting what's best for my child, but flooding him with material items for my own selfish fun is not the way to go.

I can't stand the thought of an entitled child who expects the world to be handed to him on a silver platter. If I have to learn to become minimalist in order to teach Grayson a strong foundation of working hard and having faith in God, that's what I'm going to do. The world has enough lazy, entitled and greedy people. 

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