Sunday, April 27, 2014


Before Grayson was born I had planned out my delivery, hospital stay, first weeks home and most of my parenting techniques almost to the point of absurdity. 

Ever since he graced this world with his presence at 35 weeks and 2 days, he has repeatedly proven that kids and plans don't mesh well. 

Our sleeping arrangements would be as follows: Arm's Reach Co-Sleeper bedside for 6 months and then off to the crib because at 8 weeks old he would sleep through the night like the rest of the newborns.

HAHA! No. 

At 6 months old he still wasn't sleeping thought the night. I decided to leave him bedside because I was afraid he would choke on vomit. Ever since he was born he spit up constantly and eventually it turned into actual projectile vomiting events. We had an upper GI test done at 6 months to see if he had reflux. He was put on a prescription for this issue which helped some, but not much. 

At 9 months old, he still was not sleeping throughout the night. He was waking up every 30 minutes at this point. I was to an indescribable point of exhaustion. Friends and family began questioning my health and telling me I did not look well. I am the kind of mom who truly enjoys doing it all myself. I cherish the good, the bad and the ugly; however, my husband was able to convince me at this point that it was time for him to step in at nighttime. I decided maybe Grayson sleeping in his own room with his Dad making the majority of the trips would be the answer. He slept in his crib for three months where his Dad took over most of the night duty...

At 12 months old, he was still waking up throughout the night. I could tell night duty was wearing on my husband. The night of Grayson's birthday, I let him sleep in the bed with me as a special treat for us both since he is the snuggliest kid ever. 

At 17 months old, we are still celebrating his birthday. Just kidding, but he does still sleep with me. He still doesn't sleep through the night, but I am so used to it now that it feels like a completely normal state of existence. Much to my surprise I love every minute of cosleeping with my baby. Okay fine, toddler.

I'm not the kind of mom who needs a lot of time to myself. I certainly don't pass judgment on those who do need it because I know so many amazing mom's who have to work everyday or must use this time to get caught up on house chores. I compile my personal "me time" into his naptime (which occurs in his own room) and my occasional Mama's night out. However, I spent so much time wishing for and desiring a child that I really couldn't care less about doing laundry right now. I'm perfectly okay with having my head underwater for a few years. I am also blessed to be able to be a stay at home mom so this is a possibility. I understand that not everyone wants to be a stay at home mom. No judgment there either. Everybody is different.

Before bed each night, he has a glass of milk and we brush our teeth. While snuggled up, we sing lullabies together. Sometimes we read our Bible or another book and on the really long days, we watch an episode of Bubble Guppies. This is always followed several kisses and at least a 10 minute giggle fest. He grabs me around my neck, we say a prayer and he hugs me really tight while he dozes off. Right before he falls asleep he always rolls right over for some space and that's that.

I never imagined that my little man would be sleeping in my bed but I can't imagine it any other way now. He is so independent by nature, so luckily that's not even a logical concern for us. I am a confident and strong follower of my motherly instincts and if it feels right, it is right. For us this simply feels right. There's extra quality time and a special bond that we wouldn't have without it. 

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