Friday, May 9, 2014

Cayman Islands Family Vacation

write this blog post as I sit in an airplane above the ocean. My sweet little man is asleep on my chest and all is calm and right with the world. (Pictured below)
As I stare down at Cuba (pictured below) outside the airplane window, I am filled with amazement and wonder at just how big and beautiful the ocean is. 
Grand Cayman is the most gorgeous place I have ever vacationed. The water is an unmatched crystal clear turquoise blue and the ocean floor is visible from many feet above. The sand is so plush and perfectly cool underfoot. The people are so kind and welcoming. Every place on the island closes for church on Sundays. 
While we were there, we got to make use of our snorkel gear many times. We snorkeled right outside of our condo and also had a boat carry us out into the larger reefs.

We also got to go swimming with sting rays. It was the second time for me to be able to do this. In 2008 we spent one day in the Caymans via cruise ship and chose this as our shore excursion. It was during that trip that I knew we had to return one day. These are incredible creatures that are very calm by nature. These specific Cayman sting rays migrate to sting ray city (which is a shallow sand bar in the middle of the ocean) by choice to visit the people and eat the squid dinner we bring. Their barbs are in tact, but they are not interested in stinging anyone. Their skin feels very similar to a dolphin's.
We also went to Starfish Beach which was so unique. The water is about knee deep and starfish are all over the bottom. It was fascinating how the starfish suctioned onto the human hand.
Grayson had so much fun. There aren't words to describe the amount of fun he had. When we were loading our luggage up on the airport shuttle this morning, he took my hand and led me to the pathway that leads to the beach. When I told him that we couldn't go to the beach today, that we had to say "bye bye beach," he threw himself on the concrete and had an all out screaming fit. I didn't bother to discipline him. If I lacked a social filter as a toddler does, I would've reacted the exact same way. 

I feel so blessed to have had the opportunity to experience this past week and most of all to be able to share it with my husband and son. Children have such a special way of bringing wonder and excitement into life. Yes, vacations have changed tremendously for us but I wouldn't have it any other way. In looking through Grayson's eyes, it's like I am experiencing everything for the first time all over again. 

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