Monday, November 10, 2014

My Kids Won't Do THAT

I recall many times before I was expecting, during pregnancy and when Grayson was a bitty baby that I witnessed other children doing things and I thought to myself "I'll never let mine do that."

While there actually are many things that I have followed through with not doing or allowing, there are a lot of things I have loosened up on. Here are some things I am now eating my own words on...

Toddler eating in the car: check! This is almost impossible not to do.

Eating food anywhere except in the kitchen or at the table: over it! Mr. Dyson will handle that.

Have the "Why is that kid only wearing a diaper?" kid in Walmart: That passed quickly with a reflux baby who puked all over himself in the middle of the store

Buy "characters": Kind of hard not to when he asks and gives me a huge grin. Bring on the Finding Nemo cups.

Dirt. Just everything dirt. That's what the washing machine is for.

Opening food before we buy it at the grocery store. He can develop some patience.: No, he can't, not at the grocery store. We'll work on patience elsewhere. Nobody wants to deal with a hangry Grayson.

Playing before eating at Chick-Fil-A: I get to eat my meal in peace and he always comes out of the play area on his own time and devours his when he is ready. Bonus: It isn't "hot hot hot" anymore by that time.

Mismatched clothing: I know it's sunny out, but the dude wants to wear his rain boots today, okay? I dig his style.

Fast food... Need I say more? Sometimes we be in a hurry yo.

Sleeping in my bed: Add me to the accidental cosleepers club (wouldn't trade those snuggles)

Early bed time: Hey, the later he stays up the later he sleeps in.

Anybody else? I know I'm not the only one. Add a few of yours to the list!

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